lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

Cast of Characters

Testing some animation features in clothes and some uniques constraints in blender platform.

  • Moora

Weird Characters

To make more original the cast of characters will have several aspects in original characters and unusual features

One and a half face is a fictional character which the main feature of this is a deformity almost never used on an character enhancing its integrity, becoming it more skilled and clever. This character emerges from pure imagination

I will add more characters............

Genetic Algorithms

Article: Treating Models, Parts, and Features Like Family Parts

Genetic Algorithms are a family of computational models inspired by evolution. These
algorithms encode a potential solution to a specific problem on a simple chromosome like
data structure and apply recombination operators to these structures so as to preserve critical
information. Genetic algorithms are often viewed as function optimizers, although the range
of problems to which genetic algorithms have been applied is quite broad.

So, for building processes I take the best samples and then with some criteria I mix them into one block but this new block is not enough to solve problem, but it is good by the moment. Afterwards with evolution it is found the best model. Once you have you best answer, you have to mutate this into new solutions, new samples........................

In my models


domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Importing Topology

Recently I`ve solve a strange problem...................

So there`s a methodology for reuse topology, in this case I took Sintel`s model to modify on a not so different form -although style- in a way I can use for a totally different model. Here the results:

Moora`s model made with Sintel`s topology

With a simple but good methodology I get this adapted topology. I`ve made some tweaks in some edgeloops but all face topology is adapted.

Sintel`s topology

What`s on with this model? I think that some edgeloops are still poor but I`ve adapted and are new references for future fixes. 

Bad issues of sintel.

Generic Model: Such thing is everywhere!

That`s absolutely right. Why to do some model if it is yet made????

Actually we can found several models for free, even models with a finite number of vertices and edges can be usefull for us.

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

The Perspective Problem

Have you ever think your recent 3d face model from picture references is not good enough to be realistic??.....
How in heaven do I dare to even think in it?. Some models are perfect but the really truth is that you want to model in 3d a picture that is already deformed by camera lenses fool -no, you fool-

If I were you, I get back to my model and then with some additional references and enter to edit it with more care but damn perspective and lenses deforming this a lot you can't trust any photo think about it............................

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Amoo Project

Article: references for build more references.

Amoo is a huge project that evolve from a basic to an advanced high quality rig for blender. It has been created with worth features and is unique in her kind due to it`s complexity and research.

The objective to make Amoo is to bring to virtual life a specific person with regard of all it`s features. So Amoo is the result of good research of the realistic.

So far this article brings you my point of view to discover some features I think other artists do not count or forget about nature of their 3d models.

Since Amoo was born, knowledge about how to model is changing over these last years so to be in touch Amoo has been evolving from different modeling methods.

Amoo Model History

Amoo Character in Cephis Project

This is a topic for non orthodox rigs documentation.

several stuffs to do

clear more and more topology

Low res mesh for testing animation in semifinal ............

face expresions and deforming muscles with drive keys

oh my head i been thinking lot..................

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Amoo history (Model)

Article: Classic Pipeline to Create a Character

(See also Amoo for information about production).

In the beggining Amoo`s model wasn`t easy to make, it started (like someone would say) "fooling around" in 3D about August 2004 inside 3ds Max platform which hadn`t disctintive features by itself of actual 3d programs, and the sculpt module wasn`t developed yet. It wasn`t existed something to build somewhat decent but only my will to made her, and it took about three months and one more to give form to a mesh that started out with a cube. It would take pretty time to me to compile all images of this process that I`ve taken from the precept of genetic algorithms (just using my criteria of genetic algorithm), which I will explain it later in an interesting topic called `genetic algorithm pipeline`.

My concept model

Amoo version alpha

This pic shows Amoo`s model in her very firsts steps. After about 100 essays with my starting cube (about a year after my first session). Main modeling process featured in 3ds Max was to move down vert by vert. With the time this process was started with a speed increment of editions thanks to proportional edit feature.

Then, lot of time after improving my modeling performance I decided to get a more flexible 3d suite cause 3ds Max still had troubles in the process, time process, lot of things and mainly for troubles in data format so I wanted to get a tool that help me up instead screw me out. I found blender and I could export it out and started to edit it.

Mastering 3ds Max... but with an exotic weird in heaven could I even think I was master in Max???

Amoo alpha model exported to blender and afterwards it was refinated

In process of learn again 3d modeling I was still modeling in 3ds max.

Then when I was ready to go in blender my Amoo model begun to have improved features

So after about 3 or 4 years from the start, Amoo beta version appeared. Face topology from this beta version (actually with 936 vertices -cheap resolution-)

I started then with blender particle system.

Render and blur with photoshop

Refining the model in blender. Improving T pose for better model deformation. Applying vertex paint and improving surfaces. But still this model was a beta version

Rigging the model using my rig criteria...some of these rig features are good.

Applying hair mesh (not a render). Model still in beta version.

Accumulative surfaces by vertex and edge increments (for me, before sculptris voxel method and multires sculpt, this is one of the best modeling methods of a specific surface via subsurf mesh, )

Amoo v6 with improvements in proportions. Rig and model were still incompatibles

After lot of improvements this model ironically would decrease its quality with the time, I thought was bad topology that for god sake I couldn't to improve.....what could I do?. Retopology tools........that`s what I did, I got some topology references for this purpose and then I got a smooth model.......but.........

Amoo v9 topology, result of copying topology from different artists. So naturally, this version was a failed version, note the lack of vertices

Improving topology, some mad issues about this damn brand topology.....shooooot!!!!

OK, this is a try of beauty mask.

Amoo v9 with some bad issues in uv mapping

Render with Blender 2.49, there are weird issues in hair mesh for this blender version

Good News (Dec 17, 2010):

Amoo v10.03

After 1 year later a totally rebuilted mesh of Amoo. These are the improvements

  • Several patches of good edge loops over and over new retopo surfaces
  • Decent medium resolution mesh
  • Topology ready for animation with fixed features
I`ll post some more details............wait..................

More Updates

Amoo version 12

Amoo with SSS shader